It pays to see problems as potential opportunity to profit. Instead of running, creatively engage your God given abilities and turn them to productive ventures like Arnold Morris.
Arnold Morris, a successful contractor from Alberta, Canada, turned a potential problem into a very profitable business.
Arnold was in the process of building a new home and had hired a contractor to pour his basement. For various reasons the contractor was unable to complete the work so Arnold decided to finish it himself. He had never poured a basement before, but he borrowed the necessary forms, went to work on it and completed it. He created a business empire from that. He became the largest concrete contractor in his area and has made more money than he ever dreamed possible. He turned his problem into a gold mine. The next time you are faced with a problem, a setback or a difficulty remember Arnold Morris. Don't read negatively to your problem. Try to see the good in every situation.You are going to learn from it. Turn your liabilities into assets.