There goes a biblical injunction:
"Narrow is the path that leads to eternal life".
The path to success is in many ways similar to the path to eternity.
It is so narrow and rough. So unkept and frustrating.
A glimpse at the path frustrates and discourages.
It is nothing to write home about. The path is never straight.
There abides alot of pot holes therein. The most rogue of cars can not thread through.
Lots of scorpions and adders abide there, sticking and transferring deadly venom to passers bye.
Only the strong and courageous can scale through this horrible path.
You must engage enough shock absorber to scale through it.
This path is so rough that if caution is not taken, the passer bye will change his or her mind at the peak of turn around.
Only the qualified can thread this path.
Here comes the question, "what are the qualities of those who can thread this path"?
Here are a few of the qualities;
* Unique Vision: Only those with unique vision can pass through this horrible path. It is the vision that keeps you going inspite of all odds. Only the glorious vision sets you on your heels and sees you through the path.
* Perseverance: This is the ability to suffer long.It was this quality that enable Abraham Lincoln, after several failures to keep at it.
* Faith in yourself: It is only those who believe in themselves and in the vision they behold that can scale through this horrible path.
A successful man is not the victim of his environment. He creates the favourable conditions.
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