Thursday, December 07, 2006


Man is an embodiment of possibilities.
In him reside all possibilities.
In him is a wise and foolish identity.
Hence he has the power to decide which to tune on per time.
When he tune on the wise entity, he is considered another King Solomon of our time.
The other way round, then he is considered a man not to be reckon with.
In him resides the richest and the poorest man, the most brilliant and dullest man in the universe.
An highly organized and disorganized personality dwell in him.
A celebrity and a disgrace to the community of human race, a national decision maker and a liability.
A weakling and a giant. A maker and a destroyer. A success and a failure.
Tap into this and make of yourself whom you so desire to be.
No wonder God created us human being meaning the power to chose resides in us.
We are left to shape the world around us to our taste.
There is immeasurable power resident in man capable of doing just anything.
Your position today is as a result of the decisions you have made.
The whole world is in your hands. You and you alone can create it in line with your desire.
I have come to realize that in me resides the greatest inventor of all time and the least impact maker the world has ever witnessed.
I am left to choose what I want to become.


Wednesday, September 27, 2006


Risk is an essential commodity to those who must make impact in this ever changing world. Everything we engage in as a level of risk involved. The side effect might be very minimal that we don't consider it as risk.
Safety first has been the motto, but achievers don't see it that way.
John L. Mason said " the world is a book in which those who do not take risks read only one page". That is indeed factual.
Napoleon Hill said that the successful person is one who is willing to take risks when sound logic shows they are necessary to reach the desired goal.
So risk taking is part of life for archievers.
Someone took a risk and ligtened the world with electricity.
You can go no further if you lack the capacity for risk taking.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006


A case study of the creative beggar.

On one business morning right on the traffic jam approached a beggar asking for alms.
Among her professional colleagues (fellow beggars), she engaged a different approach.
She used warm and entertaining words as her begging strategy.
She kept hailing her clients as she begged for alms.
Everyone can't but listen to this unique approach. She won the attention of the public.
Tell me what this meant to her purse?
Yes, she utilized a different and creative approach to get more than her colleagues.
If you must outperform your competitors, you must dare to be creative.
Everyone has some level of creative ability. Until they are awakened, no difference can be made.

Dare to be creative.

Here are a few tips to activate this inbuilt ability:

* Look at things differently.
* Spend quality time meditating
* Permit all forms of suggestions, foolish ones inclusive.

Sunday, August 20, 2006


Here is my definition of a book.

I will like to define a book as a collection of thoughts, life experiences, meditations and spiritual impressions penned on papers.

Looking at books from this perspective connotes that they carry a lot of weight.
There is a popular saying and it goes thus;


To a large extent, this saying is true not only to a black man but the entire human race.
This is peculiar to the blacks any way.
It had not been the culture of an average black man to read books.
He fails to realise that the power and knowledge he requires to cause a great change resides in books.
The fact that there is great power resident in books can not be overemphasized.
Hear what Daniel in the Holy Book has to say. "And I Daniel understood by books".
For further reading check out Daniel chapter nine in the Holy Bible.
Permit me to go a little biblical here.
Daniel in the above scriptures got to know that the timing for the liberation of the Israelites from slavery had been fulfilled.
Until Daniel reached out for the book of records, he lacked an understanding of this significant timing.
Had it not been for Daniel who came to the knowledge of this via the book of records, the Israelites would have continued in their slavery.
At this juncture, I will like to say that anyone who doesn't imbibe reading culture is an enslaved personality.
It suffices me to say that books are not what many think they are, "mere writings on paper".
They are more than that, very powerful and influential.
Books change lives.
Show me a great man, and I will tell you the impact books have made in his life.
It is important to note that there are books and there are books. Living books and books of doom.
Books are change makers.
The kind of books you read matters and has vital roles to play in your personality.

So, cultivate the habit of reading life changing books.

Below is a short list of impact making books I haqve come across.

* Gifted Hands
* Think and Grow Rich
* The enemy called Average
* Making a difference
* The Richest man in Babylon
More to be added soon.....

Tuesday, August 15, 2006


Check the palms of your hands.
Call some friends and family members. Take a close look at theirs.
Consider the stripes on your palm.
Now compare.

Is there any person who has the same stripes has yours? May be you should try other one hundred persons.
What is your observation?
Take some time off. Quit this article and carry out this very important task.


Did you succeed in getting any palm with same stripes as yours?
I perceive you said no. No! It interests me to hear you say no.
What does this tell you friend? What do you feel about your personality?
Do you think you have any duplicate somewhere? May be in America or Africa, Europe or the far East.
Friend, I am glad to announce to you that you have no duplicate.


You are unique and specially framed out. No one else carries the potentials you possess.
You are a unique embodiment. You carry a unique package the world is waiting to appreciate.
No one else can present it better than you can. It is registered and licensed in you.
It is you and you alone who can best show the world the details. The A to Z and add-ons this special package entails.
No! I say no one can unpack it except you.
Look deep down. Take a closer and more observative look and study.
You will discover it. No one else can but you. Look inward friend. It resides just in you and you alone.
If others will not discover their uniqueness it won’t be you. Circumstances not withstanding, you are whom you are.
Until you discover and unleash that package, the world won’t be peaceful.
It is just you who can unveil this secret hidden in you ages past.
So many have tried to uncover it but lack the knowledge of how to go about it. Good enough the knowledge resides just in you and your creator.
Search deep inside and uncover this package. More closer look and you will find it.
You have been dormant for too long friend. It is time to explode and affect the world around you.
Don’t be a waster like some comrades in the grave.
The world is incomplete without your package.
Awake from slumber now. Look indebt. Take a closer look. Dissect the inside and unveil the package.
You are born a celebrity. Unveil and cause universal celebration.
You are whom you are, unique and different!


There goes a biblical injunction:
"Narrow is the path that leads to eternal life".
The path to success is in many ways similar to the path to eternity.
It is so narrow and rough. So unkept and frustrating.
A glimpse at the path frustrates and discourages.
It is nothing to write home about. The path is never straight.
There abides alot of pot holes therein. The most rogue of cars can not thread through.
Lots of scorpions and adders abide there, sticking and transferring deadly venom to passers bye.
Only the strong and courageous can scale through this horrible path.
You must engage enough shock absorber to scale through it.
This path is so rough that if caution is not taken, the passer bye will change his or her mind at the peak of turn around.
Only the qualified can thread this path.
Here comes the question, "what are the qualities of those who can thread this path"?

Here are a few of the qualities;

* Unique Vision: Only those with unique vision can pass through this horrible path. It is the vision that keeps you going inspite of all odds. Only the glorious vision sets you on your heels and sees you through the path.

* Perseverance: This is the ability to suffer long.It was this quality that enable Abraham Lincoln, after several failures to keep at it.

* Faith in yourself: It is only those who believe in themselves and in the vision they behold that can scale through this horrible path.

A successful man is not the victim of his environment. He creates the favourable conditions.

Sunday, August 13, 2006


Yes! All things are possible.
Take a close look at a paper and a tree.
Do they have anything in common?
No! Nothing in common.
But the tree gave birth to paper. Papers are made from trees.
At a point in time, no one will ever believe or imagine that paper could be made from trees.
To some, before the manufacture of papers, "it is impossible to produce papers out of trees".
Yes! No line of comparism.
No physical resemblance.
No trace of son to father relationship.
Yet, paper is the grandson of the tree.
There is no such word as impossiblity. It though exit in word but not in action.
Avoid that phrase "impossible" like a pleague in your daily endeavour. It is a thief. It hinders men from prominence. It blindfolds and prevent men from seeing beyond the turnel.
The bright brothers where once told " it is impossible" for a piece of metal to float in the air. They shun that phrase and proved to the world that there is no such word as impossiblity when action is in charge.
So, shun that phrase "impossible" and see your life float like a piece of metal in the air.


Here goes the slogan of a telecommunication company.
Life is indeed beautiful. Very beautiful that no amount of words could define the meaning of life. So rich and full of pleasantries.
Life is wide. Only the visionary can have a glimpse of what life is all about. It is so lovely and wonderful.
So emcompassing and magnificient.
So charming and attractive. So glamous and beyond the sky we see.
Life is indeed beautiful. Bringing pleasant packages daily to those who dare to ask.
Pouring the most expensive of incents on those who have an understanding of what life has in stock.
Life is simple but only the gentle and visionary can understand it.
Life is peaceful but only the meek can feel the peace thereof.
Life is full of bed of roses, only the foresighted and persistent can see it.
Life is full and complete with all kinds of packages available.
The state of your mind determines the kind of package due to you.
Life presents blank cheques to those who dwell therein. Only the open hearted can notice this priviledges that life pose to those who dwell therein.
Go to the mountains and meditate about this wide life.
Go to the tree top and see the priviledges that this life has in stock.
Life has positioned herself to favour all asundry. The weak, the powerful, the small, the big, the foolish, the wise, the dull, the smart, the daring and the coward.

Ask of life and you will get it.

Saturday, August 12, 2006


"No one has done it that way".
"This is the way it has always been done".
"It must be done this way to avoid failure".

These statements have been in use since the inseption of the human race.
The thought pattern has always been the same. Funny enough, people expect different results.

This is insanity of the highest order. Yes! It is insanity! Doing the same thing and expecting a different result.

It is high time we change our thought pattern if we expect positive and better results.
We must learn to think out of the box to be able to influence the dynamic world of today.

The world is not static, hence only dynamic men can influence this continual changing nature of the world.

"It took a man who thinks out of the box, to invent the mechanical hearing aid".
"It took two brothers who think out of the box, to cause apiece of metal to float in the air".

Only dynamites can influence the world of today.

So, decide to change the norm and live your life!

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Power of Noble Intentions

The wake of this week found me reading a new book - The Google Story. It’s a book whose
summary I had read before, but just last weekend in Ife, a young man - Sola Adeyinka decided
to give me a gift of this book (arguably my best gift of that week). The first night I
openned the book to read, I was awake till 3am! It’s a book I recommend for anybody who is
contemplating going into business. Don’t practice everything you see there, but it sure
lifts the lid off conventional thinking.
The first fact I love about the google story was the fact that their drive was targeted
towards creating a solution, and not about the money they could make from it. They were
passionate about making information available to research students and people generally who
needed information at their finger tips. A drive to do this saw them developing the best
search engine in the world, with capability not only to search for the information you need,
but in the order of priority.
It looked like a mystery to me, but you won’t believe that 2yrs into the running of that
business they still had not been able to connect it with a way to make money. It’s so
interesting to note that 80% of the people reading this article cannot still fathom even
today, how google makes its money. All google had when the started was a noble intention and
the possibility that perhaps they could liscence the product to other companies who would
make use of the strength of the search engine for their own businesses.
Like fate always has it, in stories that get written The google guys (Brin and Page), 25yr
old, PHD drop outs at the start of the company were able to get a way around making money
with google. The company moved from its initial IPO in August 19, 2004 of shares at $85 per
share to selling at $300 in the same year. Google has grown to become a company worth over
It sounds like a puzzle to me but can you imagine that google got it’s first investment of
$100,000 without having registered the company? They got venture capital investment worth
$25 million when the seasoned venture capitalists couldn’t fathom how they would make
profit? It beats me, but drives home one point. Noble intentions are powerful! The power of
noble intentions backed by passionate conviction by the founders of the company has driven a
small young company in silicon valley up and up when all else went down. Their corporate
mantra “Do no evil” cements their position.
Who sets your limits, who says your ideas cannot fly? Have it in mind to solve a real human
problem and you are well on your way to stardom! If you have what the world needs, go and
live in the wilderness, the world will build a path to your house! We’ll all be remembered
for two things, the problems we created, or the ones we solved.
Extracts from

Tuesday, July 25, 2006


It’s a very interesting topic, deciding whether it is decision that determines destiny or destiny that determines decision. But be assured that this will not be an intellectual discussion, this should be enlightening and educative.The key words are destiny and decision.DestinyThat to which any person or thing is destined; predetermined state; condition foreordained by the Divine or by human will; fate; lot; doom.The fixed order of things; invincible necessity; fate; a resistless power or agency conceived of as determining the future, whether in general or of an individual.The fixed order of things; invincible necessity; fate; a resistless power or agency conceived of as determining the future, whether in general or of an individual. DecisionA position or opinion or judgment reached after consideration; The act of making up your mind about something; The trait of resoluteness as evidenced by firmness of character or purpose; I bet just looking at the definitions gives new insight already. Can the making up of one’s mind about something determine a predestined state? Or can any resoluteness change the fixed order of things?…Interesting questions…deserving interesting answers.My thoughts.To say that a destiny exists that is the fixed order of things, invincible necessisty or a resistless power, is not an idea I agree to. This is a notion that makes lazy men of men and normalizes cowardice. If the future cannot be changed, decision is merely a move of a pawn in a predetermined game. That’s not decision, that’s programming!I’ll rather stick to the definition of destiny that says that it’s a condition foreordained by divine or human will. Our destination is where we will reach at the end as our destination. This destination, is of course a result of our decisions. Looking at things from the converse as well, we can say that a mans perception of what the future will be has direct influence on what his decisions will be. Your perception of your future determines your decision. You willingness to act, or not, will take it’s motivation from what you see.
Helen Keller, a notable woman who though blind and deaf, redefined the worlds perspective on disability and remapped the boundaries of sight and sense, was asked what could be worse than not seeing, and she responded “to have eyes and not see!” Not having a picture of the future that motivates, is disability worse than the loss of eyes. You need to have a vision, that affects your decision, and then you need to take decisions that will take you towards your desired destiny!What should we consider before making decisions?There are a number of things worth considering before taking a decision. The first and foremost is what’s the source of that direction. This is the point where people consult God, or some others there oracles. Confidence in decided direction will be backed with much confidence when we are certain that we have a backing beyond ourselves. Consulting with God is very important, as he sees the future with clear eyes. Once this is done everything else is easy.Some great minds have given ideas over time on the priceless act of decision making. No mortal (even divinity) can help you make a decision, but they sure can help you with wisdom to make yours. We are called “eniyan”, because we have the powers to choose.“Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen.” Ralph Waldo EmersonIt’s said that no wind blows in favour of a ship without direction. You set your sails and the winds will inevitably blow to favour you. You need to make the fundamental decision before the world moves to honour it. Certainly it is difficult from our side of the globe, where people have become jack of all trades because one way won’t do. Proverbially we say that many roads lead to the market…but can we follow more than one way? Decision must lead to focus.",1]
Helen Keller, a notable woman who though blind and deaf, redefined the worlds perspective on disability and remapped the boundaries of sight and sense, was asked what could be worse than not seeing, and she responded “to have eyes and not see!” Not having a picture of the future that motivates, is disability worse than the loss of eyes. You need to have a vision, that affects your decision, and then you need to take decisions that will take you towards your desired destiny!What should we consider before making decisions?There are a number of things worth considering before taking a decision. The first and foremost is what’s the source of that direction. This is the point where people consult God, or some others there oracles. Confidence in decided direction will be backed with much confidence when we are certain that we have a backing beyond ourselves. Consulting with God is very important, as he sees the future with clear eyes. Once this is done everything else is easy.Some great minds have given ideas over time on the priceless act of decision making. No mortal (even divinity) can help you make a decision, but they sure can help you with wisdom to make yours. We are called “eniyan”, because we have the powers to choose.“Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen.” Ralph Waldo EmersonIt’s said that no wind blows in favour of a ship without direction. You set your sails and the winds will inevitably blow to favour you. You need to make the fundamental decision before the world moves to honour it. Certainly it is difficult from our side of the globe, where people have become jack of all trades because one way won’t do. Proverbially we say that many roads lead to the market…but can we follow more than one way? Decision must lead to focus.
“One thing is sure. We have to do something. We have to do the best we know how at the moment… if it doesn’t turn out right, we can modify it as we go along.” - Franklin D RooseveltNot taking a decision is itself a decision! We need to do the best we know today, and modify as we go and grow. He that waits for the perfect season will not sow, to seek out the perfect venture is to die in procrastination. The fear of failure has it’s paralysing effects, but after all said and done, there are only two choices, to succeed or to learn! Any great venture you see today was because someone took a brave decision. Learn to analyse quickly and decide, that’s an edge. Paralysis is the result of a desire for the perfect time. Decide!
“One thing is sure. We have to do something. We have to do the best we know how at the moment… if it doesn’t turn out right, we can modify it as we go along.” - Franklin D RooseveltNot taking a decision is itself a decision! We need to do the best we know today, and modify as we go and grow. He that waits for the perfect season will not sow, to seek out the perfect venture is to die in procrastination. The fear of failure has it’s paralysing effects, but after all said and done, there are only two choices, to succeed or to learn! Any great venture you see today was because someone took a brave decision. Learn to analyse quickly and decide, that’s an edge. Analysis paralysis is the result of a desire for the perfect time. Decide!

Monday, June 19, 2006


Dream can be defined in various ways depending on the point of view. It can be seem as night vision or a reflection on the past.
The intended meaning of dream in this context refers to an insight into the future. That is having a mental picture of the time to come.
What can you see about your tomorrow? What do you see yourself becoming in the nearest future?
There is a biblical injunction that says: As a man thinks in his heart so he is. That implies that what you see in your tomorrow is what you will become or achieve. You can not achieve beyond what you see.
The capacity of your dream determines your capacity in the future.
Change your attitude and begin to dream big.
The bigger your dream, the bigger your future.

To be continued.......

Sunday, June 18, 2006


The future of youths in a nation determines how far that nation can go.
Show me a nation with loose impact on her youths and I will show you a nation with a blink future. No nation can go far if her youths are not carried along.

To be cotinued....