Saturday, August 12, 2006


"No one has done it that way".
"This is the way it has always been done".
"It must be done this way to avoid failure".

These statements have been in use since the inseption of the human race.
The thought pattern has always been the same. Funny enough, people expect different results.

This is insanity of the highest order. Yes! It is insanity! Doing the same thing and expecting a different result.

It is high time we change our thought pattern if we expect positive and better results.
We must learn to think out of the box to be able to influence the dynamic world of today.

The world is not static, hence only dynamic men can influence this continual changing nature of the world.

"It took a man who thinks out of the box, to invent the mechanical hearing aid".
"It took two brothers who think out of the box, to cause apiece of metal to float in the air".

Only dynamites can influence the world of today.

So, decide to change the norm and live your life!

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