Wednesday, November 21, 2007


Part 6 (Do This and Forex Success Will Follow)In 2002, when I was 20 years old, I went to a consulate to open Visa to Canada, and I saw a monk sitting in that waiting hall. He was shaved, wearing robes. I was very curious, as I’ve never seen a live monk before, so I sat next to him, and started asking him questions, basically trying to find out the reason to his madness. He explained to me that he was traveling around the world with his master, basically some other big and famous monk. But his master had Cancer, and this monk was a healer, so he was traveling around with his master, basically prolonging his master’s life as long as he could. I offered this monk a ride, and went to his temple. We met several times after, and he introduced me to some very interesting people, one of whom became my teacher. The guy who became my teacher was amazing. He was extremely wealthy, owning several large factories in his country. On the other hand he had a very deep spiritual side about him. He was a famous healer, and I’ve seen this guy and his students, perform miracles. I’ve seen and personally participated in cases of AIDS and Parkinson’s permanently healed with medical tests before and after, proving it, but I am not even going to go there, because I’ve gotten into enough trouble over that, and most people won’t believe me anyway. We are talking about forex here, but the reason I brought up this story is very important. I was lucky enough to be a business partner of this teacher for a year, and he drilled into me something that completely transformed my financial life. He taught me to tithe, or donate at least 10% of my income regularly. You see, it seems like from my story before, I was making a lot of money with whatever I was doing, and I was, but somehow I could never keep much of it. Somehow I would make bad decisions and lose some of it, other times I would get screwed out of large sums by other people, other times I would go through some dry periods, where I wouldn’t make much, and simply spend what I had.
My teacher basically taught me that the most important thing in life if you want to generate wealth, is to donate at least 10% of your income regularly, and the keyword here is regularly. So being kind of dumb and naïve as I was, I just did what I was told to do, and I still do it. Since the day I started donating regularly, my income has been growing exponentially, and I’ve accumulated large sums of money. I’ve experimented with donating as much as 30%, and I went through periods of donating absolutely nothing. Life becomes much tougher and a lot more problematic, when I stop donating. Yet, when I start donating as much as 30% of my income, a lot more opportunities come than I can handle, and to be honest, I think I am not saintly enough to be able to donate 30%. No matter how much I believe in this principle, it just seems like too much, and I can’t full heartedly give away that much yet, but 10% seems very natural to me now. And I can’t even tell you enough about the emotional rewards that come along with it.
You may think that this is some kind of woodoo, bullshit belief about 10% donating, but it’s really not. I can tell you from my experience, and I can tell you from experiences of some very wealthy people that I know, unless you practice tithing, or donating 10%, life is a lot more difficult, making money is a lot more difficult, and keeping and accumulating money is a lot more difficult. All you have to do is try it for at least 6 months, and then stop doing it for 6 months, and you will see huge difference. Donating 10% is like a magic trick of attracting financial ease and luck into your life. I encourage you to go online, and start reading profiles and personal philosophies of very wealthy people. I encourage you to go to bookstores, and read biographies of very wealthy people, and you will find this 10% donating principle present in almost all of them. Even a seemingly mean and unpopular schmuck such as Donald Trump practices this principle. I love Donald Trump by the way, if you study him deeper, you will realize that he is actually an amazing and very philanthropic guy. Most of his contributions are secret though. I believe that donating at least 10% of your trading profits is the number one principle to your forex success. If you do it, you will attract the right sources of information at the right time, to help you make proper trading decisions. You will actually get lucky on some of your trades. Your instincts will become sharper. Sometimes it seems like all the ducks are lined up for a trade, but something tells you to either close it, or not enter it. Of course 10% tithing is not the only key to your forex success, you still have to have a trading system, but everything will become a lot easier if you donate your income. Even subconsciously, you will allow yourself to make more money, because you will know that you deserve it, simply because you are benefiting others with your profits. Do you remember in that Forrest Gump movie, Forrest was jokingly told to pray, and he stupidly took it seriously and started praying for days, and then by some lucky circumstances he became extremely wealthy? Well, since the day I believed into the principle of tithing, I stupidly accepted it, and have been doing it regularly, and by some waves of lucky circumstances that happen to me all the time, I’ve accumulated a lot more wealth at such young age, than most people will probably ever come across. And all I ask of you is to stupidly believe in this principle, and actually do it, and you’ll be surprised at how easily and rapidly you will start accumulating wealth, if that’s what you want.

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